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Ultra Chests

UltraChests is a lightweight yet complex plugin that allows server administrators to reward their players with interactive lottery-like rewards. It is also very flexible and fully configurable through the config. Usage gif


  • Lottery-like reward system
  • Full possible customization of UltraChests and rewards
  • Random amounts of items can be generated
  • Special permissions
  • Complete configurability
  • Support for Custom Items and Textures


This part of this document describes the configuration of UltraChests plugin. Before proceeding further, please make sure that you understand general CommonCore plugin configuration.

Configuration is located at: plugins\UltraChest\config.yml

Configuration paths

This documentation section uses configuration paths which are just concise representations of subordinate keys.

For example, the path "general:chest_settings:" means:


General settings

The plugin works the following way:

  • A player interacts with an UltraChest item (specified in the configuration)
  • An UltraChest inventory is opened to the player
  • The player picks a number of inventory slots by clicking on them
  • The plugin generates reward tiers (rewards/prizes can be common, rare, epic etc.) based on the settings of the opened UltraChest
  • Reward tiers are revealed for the chosen inventory slots
  • The player clicks on the reward tiers and rewards are generated according to the settings of the reward tiers
  • The UltraChest item is removed from the player's inventory
Configuration pathDescriptionPossible variablesDefault variable
general:choice_amountHow many inventory slots does the player need to chooseInteger (bigger than 0)4
general:interact_to_openDeclares whether players have to place the UltraChest item on the ground to interact with it. (If true, only right click in the air is needed to open an UltraChest)true/falsefalse

Chest settings

To use an item as an UltraChest, it firstly needs to be registered in the item section of the configuration. This section is closely documented in the CommonCore tutorial.

All UltraChest settings have to be specified under the subordinate key "chest_settings" in the following way:

CHEST_IDENTIFIER_1: # CHEST_IDENTIFIER_1 is a registered item identifier
REWARD_TIER_IDENTIFIER_1: 75 # This tier has a 75% chance
REWARD_TIER_IDENTIFIER_2: 25 # This tier has a 25% chance
REWARD_TIER_IDENTIFIER_1: 3 # This tier has a 33% chance
REWARD_TIER_IDENTIFIER_3: 6 # This tier has a 66% chance


  • CHEST_IDENTIFIER = item identifier of the registered item that you want to use as an UltraChest
  • REWARD_TIER_IDENTIFIER = item identifier of the registered item that you want to use as a reward tier icon (it will only be used as an icon in the inventory)

Every UltraChest item can have a number of possible reward tiers. A chance of the tier being generated needs to be specified for every reward tier in every UltraChest item. This chance is specified by a number which represents the likelihood of generating the given reward tier. Reward tiers with a larger number have a higher chance of being generated. The chances of all reward tiers are summed and normalized to calculate the percentage.

Chest settings example
common_chest_item: # common_chest_item is an item identifier
common_reward_tier: 75 # The common_reward_tier has a 75% chance
rare_reward_tier: 25 # The rare_reward_tier has a 25% chance
# common_reward_tier and rare_reward_tier are also registered item identifiers

Reward settings

This part describes the procedure of mapping rewards to the reward tiers. To use an item as a reward, it firstly needs to be registered in the item section of the configuration.

All reward settings have to be specified under the subordinate key "reward_settings" in the following way:

REWARD_TIER_IDENTIFIER_1: # REWARD_TIER_IDENTIFIER_1 is a registered item identifier
REWARD_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_1: # REWARD_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_1 is also a registered item identifier
chance: 1 # This reward has a 33% chance
min_amount: 1 # Only one item will be always generated
max_amount: 1
chance: 2 # This tier has a 67% chance
min_amount: 2 # 2 or 3 items will be generated
max_amount: 3
chance: 5 # This tier has a 100% chance (it is the only one)
min_amount: 12 # 12 to 19 items will be generated
max_amount: 19


  • REWARD_TIER_IDENTIFIER = item identifier of the registered item that you want to use as a reward tier icon (it will only be used as an icon in the inventory)
  • REWARD_ITEM_IDENTIFIER = item identifier of the registered item that you want to use as the actual reward

Every reward tier can have a number of possible reward items (rewards). A chance of the reward item being generated needs to be specified for every reward tier. This chance is specified by a number which represents the likelihood of generating the given reward for the specified reward tier. Rewards with a larger number have a higher chance of being generated. The chances of all rewards are summed and normalized to calculate the percentage. Maximal and minimal amounts (both inclusive) also have to be specified for every reward under every reward tier as subordinate keys "min_amount" and "max_amount". Once a reward item is generated, its amount will be randomly chosen depending on these settings.

Reward settings example
common_reward_tier: # Settings for the common_reward_tier:
beacon_block: # beacon_block is a registered item identifier
chance: 1 # it has a 33% chance of being generated
min_amount: 1 # and the amount will be always 1
max_amount: 1
slime_block: # slime_block is a registered item identifier
chance: 2 # it has a 67% chance of being generated
min_amount: 2 # and the amount will be between 2 and 13
max_amount: 13
rare_reward_tier: # Settings for the rare_reward_tier:
diamond_hoe: # diamond_hoe is a registered item identifier
chance: 5 # it has a 100% chance of being generated (it is the only one)
min_amount: 1 # and the amount will be always 1
max_amount: 1


Messages are closely documented in the CommonCore tutorial. All messages support color formatting using the paragraph § symbol. The default variable type for all messages is string (if not stated otherwise).

Config path: messages:logo

Text representing the plugin logo that will be at the front of every logged message in the console. You can insert this message into other messages using the %logo abbreviation.

Chest not found

Config path: messages:chest_not_found

Text sent to the player when try to use the "/ultrachest give" command with a chest that doesn't exist.

Not a player

Config path: messages:not_player

Text sent to the command sender when they try to use the "/ultrachest register" command and they are not a player.

No permission

Config path: messages:no_permission

Text sent to the player when they try to do something that they don't have permissions for.

Player not found

Config path: messages:player_not_found

Text that sent to the player when they try to target a player that is currently offline (using the "/ultrachest give" command).

Wrong arguments

Config path: messages:wrong_args

Text that sent to the player when they try to use the "/ultrachest" command with invalid arguments.

Chest given

Config path: messages:chest_given

Text sent to the player when they successfully use the "/ultrachest give" command. This message also supports the following abbreviations:

%chestamountThe amount of given UltraChests
%playernameThe player target of the command

Chest listing

Config path: messages:chest_listing

Text that sent to the player when they use the "/ultrachest chests" command. This message also supports the following abbreviations:

%allchestsAll registered UltraChests divided by a comma

Default command

Config path: messages:default_command

Text sent to the player when they use the "/ultrachest" command without any arguments. The variable type for this message is a multi-line string.

Item registered

Config path: messages:item_registered

Text that sent to the player when they successfully use the "/ultrachest register" command. The variable type for this message is a multi-line string. This message also supports the following abbreviations:

%itemidentifierThe item identifier of the registered item (you use this identifier to find and modify the registered item in the item section of the configuration)


Item settings are closely documented in the CommonCore tutorial. All registered items can be used as UltraChests, reward tier icons or rewards. If an item is used as a reward, the amount does not have to be specified as it is specified in the reward tier settings.


Inventory settings are closely documented in the CommonCore tutorial. This configuration section takes advantage of advanced YAML concepts. Please, make sure to also learn about node anchors and node references before proceeding further.

This plugin makes use of the inventory "ultrachest_menu" that you can modify as any other CommonCore inventory. This inventory is displayed to the player when they interact with an UltraChest item.

Inventory click actions

This plugin supports the following inventory click actions that you can specify in the inventory section of the configuration to modify the logic of the plugin inventory GUIs. Editing the argument values of the click actions is usually everything that server administrators have to do to customize the behaviour of their UltraChests. Invalid changes, additions or removals of the inventory click actions may break the plugin and you should do so only if you know what you are doing.


Replaces the item at the given slot with another item. This action is used on all items in UltraChest to replace them with another item after the player has chosen the given slot.

Argument nameArgument values
ITEMItem identifier of a registered item


Plays the specified sound to the player. This action is used on all items in UltraChest to play a sound after the player has chosen the given slot.

Argument nameArgument values
NAMEBukkit sound name
VOLUMENumber (representing the volume of the sound)
PITCHNumber (representing the pitch of the sound)

Full list of sound names can be found using this link.


The most important action of this plugin. This action specifies that the item in the inventory slot should serve as an UltraChest interaction item. Triggering this action removes all other actions and therefore it must be specified as the last action of the given item.

Argument nameArgument values
REVEALING_DELAYNumber (representing the amount of ticks that the server should wait between revealing the different reward tiers)
REVEALING_SOUNDBukkit sound name (representing the sound played to the player when they reveal a reward)

Full list of sound names can be found using this link.


The default command is "/ultrachest". Its aliases are "/uc" and "/ultrachests". Once used, it will tell the player how to use the commands of the UltraChests plugin.

/ultrachest chests

This command tells you the item identifiers of all registered UltraChests. You can than use these chest identifiers in the "/ultrachest give" command.

/ultrachest register

This command registers the item that you are currently holding (in your main hand) into the item section of the configuration. It will also tell you its item identifier that you can use to find and modify it.

/ultrachest give

This command is used to give a specified amount of specified UltraChests to the specified player. There are three variants of this command.

/ultrachest give <PLAYER_NAME> all <AMOUNT>

Gives the specified player the specified amount of all UltraChests. For example, if the amount is 5 and there are 4 different UltraChests, the player will get 4*5=20 UltraChests.


Gives the specified player the specified amount of the specified UltraChest type. You can list all chest identifiers using the "/ultrachest chests" command.

/ultrachest give <PLAYER_NAME> random <AMOUNT> <ARGUMENTS>

Gives the specified player the specified amount of randomly selected UltraChests depending on the specified arguments. The arguments have to be written as one undivided string in the following format:


where the CHEST_IDENTIFIER specifies the UltraChest type and the number next to it specifies the chance of generating this UltraChest type. UltraChests with a larger number have a higher chance of being generated. The chances of all UltraChests are summed and normalized to calculate the percentage. You can list all chest identifiers using the "/ultrachest chests" command.

Command usage example

Lets say that we have 4 specified UltraChests:

  • common_chest_item
  • rare_chest_item
  • epic_chest_item
  • legendary_chest_item

and I want to randomly generate 10 UltraChests but only between the common_chest_item and rare_chest_item. I also want to have 5 times the chance of picking the common_chest_item than of picking the rare_chest_item. The command to do this would look like this:

/ultrachest give <PLAYER_NAME> random 10 common_chest_item-5,rare_chest_item-1

Video tutorial


ultrachest.openAllows opening of UltrachestsEveryone
ultrachest.giveAllows /ultrachest give commandOP
ultrachest.registerAllows /ultrachest register commandOP
ultrachest.listAllows /ultrachest chests commandOP